Saturday, April 2, 2011

wah!!!!ade sorunk follower...sungguh tak sangke...

Sthanks to cik ifah ye cz be my 1st follower...tak sangke pon cube jaye je sign in..tgk2 btol plak

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

be glad of life....

be glad of ur life...
because it gives u the chance to love and to work and to play
and to look up at the stars..::))

be glad of life.... br 1st time nk kenal2 care membuat blog yer...
slame ni duk bce je blog org kan...rase nk gak cte pasal diri sndiri jugak kan..
but d problem is..ADE KE ORG NK BCE BLOG AK NIH...isk3...
tape2..cte tuk kepuasan diri sndiri sudeh eh...